Tuesday, October 3, 2023

🚀 How to Supercharge Your Business Chat API with LLMs Using AI


Have you ever wished your business chatbot could have more natural conversations? As a consultant who has worked with many companies on implementing conversational AI, I've seen how large language models (LLMs) like GPT can take chatbots to the next level.

In this post, I'll walk you through how to integrate LLMs into your existing chat API to make your bot more human-like. The benefits are huge - increased customer satisfaction, reduced support tickets, and lower costs. Let's get started!

🤖 The Limitations of Rules-Based Bots

Many chatbots today use rules-based approaches. This means they have a set of predefined responses for certain keywords or questions.

graph TD
    A[User Input] --> B{Keywords & Intent Matching}
    B -->|Match| C[Send Predefined Response]
    B -->|No Match| D[Default Response]

While rules-based bots can be useful for common queries, they fall short in natural conversation. Without the ability to understand context, they can seem robotic.

💡 How LLMs Enable More Human-Like Conversation

LLMs like GPT overcome these limitations through sheer statistical power. With billions of parameters, they can understand nuanced language and generate highly fluent responses.

graph TD
  A[User Input] --> B(LLM API)
  B --> C{Understand Context}
  C -->|Yes| D[Generate Response]
  C -->|No| E[Fallback Option]

By integrating an LLM into your chatbot architecture, you enable it to handle a much wider range of conversational scenarios. The LLM understands the context and responds appropriately instead of relying on rigid rules.

🛠 How to Integrate an LLM API

Integrating an LLM API like GPT into your chatbot is straightforward from a technical perspective. Here are the key steps:

  1. Sign up for access to the LLM API
  2. Send user input to the API
  3. Parse the API response
  4. Return the generated text to user

You'll want to handle fallback logic for when the API doesn't provide a high-confidence response. But overall, it's a simple way to add powerful conversational abilities.

user_input = get_user_input()

api_response = call_LLM_API(user_input)

if api_response.confidence > 0.8:
  return api_response.text
  return fallback_response() 

📈 The Business Benefits

Integrating an LLM into your chatbot can provide immense business value, including:

  • 🙂 Increased customer satisfaction - More natural, contextual conversations
  • 📉 Lower support costs - Bots handle more complex queries
  • 💰 Higher sales - Personalized product recommendations

I've seen companies increase CSAT by over 20% and lower support tickets by 30%+ with conversational AI. The ROI is substantial.

🚀 Time to Lift Off!

I hope this post has gotten you excited about the possibilities of supercharging your chatbot with LLMs. It's easier than ever to implement using APIs like GPT-3.

If you're looking for help on your conversational AI journey, my team would be happy to provide strategic guidance and hands-on implementation support. Feel free to book a consultation call or reach out Sankhe LLC directly at 347-443-9247 to discuss your needs.

The future of chatbots is conversational and human-like. Let's start building the next generation for your business today!

Let me know if you have any other questions! Here are some ways we can continue the conversation:

  1. What chatbot use cases are most important for your business?
  2. Would you like to discuss integration architectures and options?
  3. Shall we explore costs, ROI projections, and pricing models?
  4. Are you ready to schedule a call to kickstart your LLM chatbot project?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

How to automate management of TLS certificates on GKE

 If you looking for a way to manage certificates to your Kubernetes clusters here's one that I tried out.
You can set this up within a few minutes and not have to worry about expired certificates.

Create a GKE cluster:

gcloud container clusters create smartcluster --addons HttpLoadBalancing --preemptible 

Get Credentials from the cluster

gcloud container clusters get-credentials smartcluster


Create a deployment:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginxsvc-deployment
      greeting: hello
      department: kubernetes
  replicas: 1
        greeting: hello
        department: kubernetes
      - name: hello-again
        image: "nginx"
        - name: "PORT"
          value: "80"

 Create a Service:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginxsvc
  type: NodePort
    greeting: hello
    department: kubernetes
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80


Create the managed certificate for your  domain name:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1beta2
kind: ManagedCertificate
  name: test-nginx-cert
    - nginx.sankhe.com #enter your domain name here

 Create a loadbalancer for the ingress and attach the managed certificate.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
    # If the class annotation is not specified it defaults to "gce".
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
    networking.gke.io/managed-certificates: test-nginx-cert
  - http:
      - path: /*
          serviceName: nginxsvc
          servicePort: 80



  certificateName: mcrt-a2730924-e05a-4e37-a969-98801086e215
  certificateStatus: Provisioning
  - domain: nginx.sankhe.com
    status: Provisioning

It takes approximately 15-20 minutes for the status to turn into Active

k get managedcertificates/nginx-cert -o yaml --watch
apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1beta2
kind: ManagedCertificate
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  creationTimestamp: "2020-11-18T00:07:22Z"
  generation: 3
  name: nginx-cert
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "10824"
  selfLink: /apis/networking.gke.io/v1beta2/namespaces/default/managedcertificates/nginx-cert
  uid: b4380ec7-650c-4858-b74a-d1f4f874d99b
  - nginx.sankhe.com
  certificateName: mcrt-1b17be8f-b51e-427c-9dc1-15ea72097202
  certificateStatus: Provisioning
  - domain: nginx.sankhe.com
    status: FailedNotVisible

 In cases where the status shows as FailedNotVisible. The following steps could help diagnose the problem.


dig nginx.sankhe.com

nginx.sankhe.com.    2858    IN    A

kubectl get ingress my-ingress get -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

The IP of the ingress loadbalancer should match the value in the DNS records. If it doesnt match the DNS records need to be updated.

apiVersion: networking.gke.io/v1beta2
kind: ManagedCertificate
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  creationTimestamp: "2020-11-18T00:07:22Z"
  generation: 4
  name: nginx-cert
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "27768"
  selfLink: /apis/networking.gke.io/v1beta2/namespaces/default/managedcertificates/nginx-cert
  uid: b4380ec7-650c-4858-b74a-d1f4f874d99b
  - nginx.sankhe.com
  certificateName: mcrt-1b17be8f-b51e-427c-9dc1-15ea72097202
  certificateStatus: Active
  - domain: nginx.sankhe.com
    status: Active
  expireTime: "2021-02-15T16:31:51.000-08:00"

Test using your browser or even on the command line.

curl https://nginx.sankhe.com #replace this with your domain.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Top 5 reasons to choose Cloud Run


Clouds — Photo by SKi

What’s Cloud Run?

One liner version:

Cloud Run is a serverless compute platform on the Google Cloud Platform that enables you to run stateless containers invocable via HTTP requests.

Two words version:

Serverless containers

Top Five Reasons:

1. Any language, any library, any binary

Test your Docker container locally with any language along with any dependancies.

2. Container to production in seconds

Deploy your container to production with single click.

[![Run on Google Cloud](https://storage.googleapis.com/cloudrun/button.svg)](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/editor?shellonly=true&cloudshell_image=gcr.io/cloudrun/button&cloudshell_git_repo=[YOUR_HTTP_GIT_URL])

This creates a button like the following:

Runs on Google — one click deploy button
Single Click Deploy

3. Pay‐per‐use

First 2 million requests are part of the always-free Tier every month.

4. Fully Managed

No infrastructure to manage: once deployed, Cloud Run manages your services so you can sleep well.

5. Portable

Built on Knative. That means you can run it anywhere Kubernetes runs even on-prem, never worry about vendor lock-in.

🚀 How to Supercharge Your Business Chat API with LLMs Using AI

SANKHE LLC 347-443-9247 ai@sankhe.com Have you ever wished your business chatbot could have more natural conversations? As a consultant who ...